Flagstone Pathway Restoration and Natural Stone Wall Build
When we first visited the site, the flagstone pathway had sunk, it was filled with weeds, and the side stone barrier was sliding down the steep slope. We were asked to repair the flagstone walkway as well as doing something about the stones on the borders to complete the look.
All the flagstone were pulled up and a proper base was installed. It was discovered that the previous installer had placed the stones directly on dirt. This is most likely the reason why they had sunk so badly. We cleaned off the stones to get rid of weeds and soil that had collected in the joints, put down screenings (gravel), compacted it, and placed the stones back to ensure they were flush with the wooden “railway ties”. Screenings were then swept into the joints to keep soil and weeds out as well as keeping the stones from sliding sideways.
For the side wall, we first removed all the existing stone. Then a 1 ft or deeper trench was dug along the entire walkway. Screenings was placed within and then large heavy flat stones placed inside. This was used as a foundation for the stones to come.
We brought in natural stones from a local supplier and set about matching the color and rugged look of the existing wall on the other side of the pathway as well as the look and feel of the pathway itself. We then applied a little bit of mortar as per the owner’s request to ensure the stones were resistant to movement.
This was a very successful project and the owner was ecstatic. This space has not only been restored but transformed.