Round Paver Patio Extension with Small Curved Pathway
The homeowners wanted to turn an existing grassy area and transform it into a beautiful new round patio surrounded by an expanded garden. It was important that the overall look retained curves that smoothly blended into the existing landscape rather than have sharp straight edges. Due to this a lot of cuts had to be made to ensure that the bricks fit together nicely while seamlessly blended into the overall desired shape.
The area was hand excavated using a mattock and shovel with 1.5 yards of material removed via wheelbarrow. The surrounding grass was also scraped off with a shovel and removed offsite to be composted. New topsoil was brought in by the homeowner to fill in the depression left by the removal of the sod. The entire build was sloped from start to finish away from the house and existing patio towards the back corner of the property, promoting good drainage but also giving extra free water for the plants in that area: a win-win.
The end result was very satisfying to the homeowners and they were very pleased.